Ross Snyder, an engineering management student here at WMU, recently asked about a reading list for engineering management students. I put together this quick list and will modify over time.
Stars indicate a must-read.
*Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Long, but well-written and insightful.
*Stephen Johnson--Where Good Ideas Come From. Uses Darwin and others to
construct an engaging set of principles that seem to explain the source
of innovative ideas and debunk popular myths (such as the Eureka! moment).
StrengthsFinder 2.0--used by Stryker and other Fortune 500 firms to
measure employee engagement. Book price includes online test, so don't
buy a used one.
*Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. NYT bestselling author tackles what
explain outlier behavior in business--Gates, Jobs, and hockey. This is a
*The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. His first big release. Explains
how change is not linear and uses an epidemiological model to support
his argument. Also a must-read.
Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.
Boring Meetings Suck by Jon Petz.
*Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
*Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen
Also, monitor the NYT Business bestseller list:
and catch book reviews at
This should get you through the next few months.